Guys, I did some digging online, then I decided to share my results with you.
What are you going to read down here are a few weird and mad stories / experiences from separate raves. By that I don't mean on basic stuff "some dude / girl was so smashed and blaah blaah” - some out there really like to knock themselves out. If you ask me, let the dudes do as they please.
I was on a hunt for some more specific stories. I wasn't focused on their origin or any personal information from the storytellers. My focus was strictly on the content.
I don't vouch for truthfulness and verification of stories.
1. “ I'd consider myself fairly open minded, but when we first walked Berghain, and walked up the stairs into that techno temple, we saw a fairly well-built, stereotypical looking German guy, in doc Martins, thong, leather collar, and peaked officers cap, mad out of it, literally licking the wall, tongue rasping the sweat of the concrete. It was surreal.”
2. “A friend of mine got a vial of acid thrown in his face trying to break up a fight.”
3. “Wasn't it at Elektroküche a few years ago where a guy took a shit straight on the dancefloor at a nye party? Next level shit for sure.”
I must admit, it would be fun to witness some of it. People do get comfortable in the dark, I guess.
So, at this point, you ask yourself what the hell goes through this writer's head? Who even thinks about stories like this and then searches for them throughout the whole net? After six years of going to various events and parties, you´ve seen a lot. Like most of us, you are used to witnessing fucked-up ravers, “those two” who always happen to drool all over each other right in the middle of the most crowded floor, self-employed hustlers, disagreements between ravers, older dudes staring at younger ladies and another thing or two.
Still, after all that above, the thirst for a proper party is always so strong. All of it together gives it that dirty underground feeling. I'm not even gonna hide the attraction to it.
Chatting about those “common” things the other day, I was sure that there must be crazier stories happening to ravers all over the underground scene. Me being nosey, I needed to inform myself about it. Without exact keywords or hints, it was tricky to dig up the crazier stories. To be honest, most online magazine posts and forums write about boring stuff; describing how they saw passed out people or how it was for them the first time on substances. Between loads of comments, "bible texts", I luckily dug up three special players.
It's on YOU 🫵 to give one of these guys your vote.
I'm aware that most people don’t share their stories online, which is normal. I understand it. I bet you guys have some pieces of your own.
But can you beat our three players with it?
If you feel comfortable on this platform, educate us.
Also, this week my favourite 👉 music treat
If you don't want to share your story, you can always shit on my music taste. 😋
Harsh recommends [Amazon] wooden pipe