We discuss a lot about the new era, mostly because this one changed the scene upside down. Also, including the influence of social media as a big part of the change. Now all of us who are still active on the scene are living through these changes in the last few years. Some are negatively shaken by these significant changes. Others thrive happily riding the wheel of this new era of new possibilities. Possibilities they wouldn't have if they were on to it just a decade ago.
It is how it is. I believe we are all aware that by this point, time won't just magically go back. Despite that, people with true intentions and love for music will always be on the scene too!
Not to just bitch all the time about how it's all going to shit, let's explore the juicy stuff that this digital age gave us. That is - a lot of video sets where we all have a beautiful chance to witness the great masters at their work. Or more at "not work".
So, let's put together all the unnecessary moves, acts the great masters do, that reveal to you they perform poorly and shitty at their jobs but sell them high.
One particular video set always comes to my mind when I think about this theme. We are talking about a very popular woman DJ (big festivals all over the globe ranking). This video is set in a special, beautiful and cool location, where big businesses are being made. You all probably noticed that at one point there was this phase with popular DJs recording sets in beautiful, meaningful and also popular locations like station fields, formula race tracks, historical places ...
Please don't take me exactly on this "phase" thing. I don't know if that's still a thing, but I'm sure that there are videos like this just a few years old. I only know of them existing because you just can't listen to (techno) tracks or sets on YouTube without big festival line-up-residents pop at every "what to watch preposition", even though your watch history consists of different sounds. Techno, as a word, is used for various content.
What I personally can't find practical and accurate. Simply because sometimes, a conversation happens where people tell you, yeah I'm into techno and be listening to names like Joseph Capriati and my nose is on artists like Freddy K or Perc = result misunderstanding! // Names are being used exclusively to closely describe differences in sounds. //
But about that problem and the idea of the petition to divide techno in techno mainstream and techno underground some other time.
Back at those unnecessary moves, acts 👇👇
Excessive hair fixing, constant headphones "fixing” - You know the drill; put them down around the neck then put them back on your ears and around and around and around it goes. Gluing your fingers to one particular knob or passionately turning it around right before the big drop- like it's something that's being created on the spot and not the track being played.
The Hör (like) Sets are also on a whole new exposing level. “Look at the bare minimum I practiced / learned, but it's still a set somehow, so it can pass."
It is wonderful how, today, more people have more opportunities to represent their work. Not so wonderful is how a lot of still newly unpractised work is being sold off to young and green consumers as "excellent quality".
🄲🄻🄸🄲🄺 🄾🄽 > Dear dancers, the scene is full with bad but also very good content. Dig deep, explore this magical music. 🫨🫨🫨