I'm coming up with something totally out of the blue.
I bet yaa, stupidity like this hasn't even crossed your mind - ever.
On the other hand, if you are somehow familiar with the topic, I'm going to address - I would appreciate it if you could explain it to me.
We are slightly turning away from our usual conversations, but there is still a connection to the scene, parties and all that jazz. This time we are discussing partygoers, dancers, ravers, whatever you want to call them.
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- Think deeply about this question! I know it sounds dumb as fuuck😂 -
First, we need to go one step back. Last half a year I worked as a cloakroom attendant at one of Berlin's night clubs. The club is well established in the electronic music field. Now, they occupy themselves more with events for the "new" generation. So, it is only natural that the majority of visitors are "new kidzz".
However, I need to point this out! I'm not sure if at other clubs, visitors also act this way. I can only speak from this experience and sure, it can only be a coincidence that my story includes “new kidzz”.
- Have you considered giving a cloakroom as an answer? -
- To me, that would be first on the list. -
My experience is👇👎👇/ don’t even know how to describe this /
A lot of ravers (and I really don't mean just a few special cases, because then I definitely wouldn't write about it) like to leave their jackets, pieces of clothing, and bags in the cloakroom. What is totally normal, duuuh!! I'm still warming up. Give me a sec.
Also, a lot of ravers love to "forget "things in their bags. A lot of them like to shift their opinions from WHAT I NEED to WHAT I DON'T NEED with me on the floor throughout the night. And why not include my mates in this process? Shove everything that you can together, then if we really do need something, it's going to be easier for us.
The amount of the same faces showing up in the cloakroom up to 10, 11, 15 times really amazes me.
Usually, if you need to grab something quickly out of your bag, there is a small fee to pay. I mean the fee is small, like a few cents, but man, if you add up all those times they come to "quickly grab" this, that ..So, I really can't wrap my mind around it. To spend 5 euros or so on literally nothing. Yeaah, 3,5,6 euros. It's not that big of a deal. Still, why are you wasting your time, dragging yourself to stand in a queue over and over again.
To be honest, you’re not wasting just your time. Every person at that party is affected. 😂 Going too deep. LOL Seriously, now, every cloakroom attendant will gladly help and do their job, but man, when it's too much, it is just too much - in my case, it got to a point where I think to myself, are you fucking kidding with me?
It's so fascinating, why just not decide if I need something to have on me the whole time or I don't need it until I'm out.
I mean, personally, if I forget something once, fine I will just go and get it. If I go somewhere more than once or twice for the same thing or reason - mate, I'm an idiot. Then, obviously, I need to have that thing on me ??
Let's not forget, we are talking about the party here, not climbing fucking Mount Everest or surviving the wilderness with Bear Grylls.
Please peeps, explain to me how the duck that kind of disorganization works?
That must be something I'm lacking because so many people have it.